physical SPACE
Perks at place2b
Place Beyond Bytes is free-of-charge for students and members of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
- free of charge for members of University of Duisburg-Essen
- office spaces in Duisburg
- 24/7 access
- digital infrastructures, e.g., virtual machines or cloud software
- a professional photo and video for crowdfunding or social media campaigns
- mentorship and sparring with experienced GUIDE mentors.
- further education on tech and entrepreneurship
- remain up-to-date about the startup ecosystem in the Ruhr Area
Grab a desk across Europe.

Imagine having access to a network of vibrant coworking spaces across Europe, where young entrepreneurs like you can connect, collaborate, and create—completely free. That’s what the European Academic Coworking Network is all about.
Whether you're refining your next big idea in Duisburg, Dortmund, Bamberg or Paris, diving into research, or seeking inspiration from new perspectives, EACN offers you a space to grow.
As a member of PBB, you can simply check the map on EACN and book a spot at one of our local, national, or European partners.
Where will you find us?
Place Beyond Bytes
Universität Duisburg-Essen
in Duisburg:
Franz-Haniel-Platz 1
47119 Duisburg
in Essen:
R09R04, Campus Essen
Reach out to us via place2b (at) or meet our team.
Place Beyond Bytes and Co-Creation Lab Produktinnovation at the University Duisburg-Essen are part of the initiative Exzellenz Start-up Center.NRW